Monday, April 18, 2005


Municipality Diversity Training and Workplace Diversity Management programs

Mthimkhulu International has been called in on numerous occasions to facilitate diversity training, transformational teambuilding and workplace diversity management programs for eThekwini Municipality in Durban - South Africa. Numerous other Corporate, Local, Provincial and National government diversity programs have been facilitated by MI, both locally and internationally.

eThekwini Municipality projects include:-

All of the programs were designed and developed with the Celebrating Humanity© program as the core "change" mechanism.

Mthimkhulu International makes a difference in the South Africa and other areas of the World, by building respect, understanding, accountability and communication. We are growing Celebrating Humanity© into Africa, the USA, UK and Australia and are looking for suitable partners, associates and facilitators.

Or email us for more info, or request a proposal.

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