Monday, April 18, 2005
Municipality Diversity Training and Workplace Diversity Management programs
eThekwini Municipality projects include:-
- Parks, Cemetries and Gardens department used our services in 2004.
- Mthimkhulu International won the diversity tender for the municipality in 2003 and completed the project in 2005.
- In 2005 MI facilitated a transformational teambuilding© program for the Durban Emergency and Fire Services.
- Numerous other smaller and linked Celebrating Humanity© programs were successfully facilitated, for managers, councillors, City Engineers and the Metro Police department at various times.
All of the programs were designed and developed with the Celebrating Humanity© program as the core "change" mechanism.
Mthimkhulu International makes a difference in the South Africa and other areas of the World, by building respect, understanding, accountability and communication. We are growing Celebrating Humanity© into Africa, the USA, UK and Australia and are looking for suitable partners, associates and facilitators.Or email us for more info, or request a proposal.